More news from EVM World 2012, Florida, USA

An Integrated Project Control Process for Research and Practice

This afternoon, Wednesday May 30rd, 2012, Jeroen Colin has given a presentation titled "An integrated project control process for research and practice". In this presentation, he has analyzed the behaviour of well-known Earned Value Management (EVM) metrics on simple projects using standard algebra. Despite the simplicity of the projects, the results are interesting, sometimes very intuitive but many other times extremely counter-intuitive. The main reasons why Jeroen used only simple two or three activity projects in his analysis at the EVM World conference are twofold:

  • To illustrate that EVM is, despite its simplicity in formulas and metrics, often hard to understand and becomes more powerful the more you work with it.
  • To convince researchers and practitionars that a similar analysis can be done on bigger real projects using simulation tools instead of algebra. 

At OR-AS, we are very grateful that he used ProTrack and P2 Engine as analysis tools and his recommendations to the audience are highly appreciated.

Download Jeroen's presentation here.