Errata: Measuring Time


List of errors found and the corrections in the book "Measuring Time: Improving Project Performance using Earned Value Management".

The "errors in formulas" section should be carefully taken into account since the errors might lead to wrong conclusions. The "small typos" section can be ignored since it only contains a list of small writing errors that might lead to confusions. The "unclear figures" section is added to make some figures more clear since they might lead to misinterpretations due to the length of the lines in the graphs.

Errors in formulas

Chapter 1, page 9: Printing error in formula:

  • SCI: Schedule Cost Index (using the traditional SPI)


  • SCI: Schedule Cost Index (using the traditional SPI)

= SPI(t) * CPI

Chapter 1, page 20: Fourth line: PF = SPI * SPI should be PF = SPI * CPI

Chapter 3, page 97: EAC(t) = AD + (PD - AD) / SPI(t) should be replaced by EAC(t) = AD + (PD - ES) / SPI(t)

Small typos

Preface, page IX: Under “Acknowledgements and authors”: Back to in 2003, …
Introduction, page XIII: First line: set up instead of setup
Chapter 1, page 10: At the middle of the page: Note that the abbreviation EAC is used for cost forecasting and a t (not at) between…
Chapter 1, page 17: Table 1.4: In the first column (Status of the project row) the second SV can be deleted
Chapter 4, page 80: The scenarios can be summarized…
Chapter 5, page 87: Second line under “Introduction”: …the research on measuring a project’s sensitivity has been increasingly received…
Chapter 6, page 113: Under “Action threshold”: …such that the approximately (100-x)%...
Chapter 7, page 145: Fourth line: Missing a second ) after …see chapter 4).

Unclear figures

Chapter 6, pages 114 and 115: It is hard to see the distinction betrween the two dotted lines in the graphs. The dottes lines for TD-SPI are a little bit longer than the dotted lines for the BU-SRA, but it is not very clear. Therefore, the figures 6.3 and 6.4 can be downloaded.

Chapter 6, page 118: It is hard to see the distinction betrween the two dotted lines in the graph of figure 6.6. The dottes lines for "fixed" are a little bit longer than the dotted lines for "DEC", but it is not very clear. Therefore, figure 6.6 can be downloaded.