
ORASTalks in Windows Phone Store


ORASTalks now available in ...

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

New publication: PMI Belgium's University Contest


PMI Belgium's recognition of young PM potential

Recently, a new article has been published in the Journal of Modern Project Management entitled "PMI Belgium's recognition of young PM potential". In this article, the collaboration between Ghent University and PMI Belgium is discussed and an overview of the previous editions of the PMI Belgium University Contest as well as the Master Thesis Awards is given.

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

Battle of Talents for Flemish students 2014


Battle of Talents

Dear students of the faculty of Economics and Business Administration,

As programme director of Business Engineering, I strongly support initiatives that have a clear added value for the development of our students and that give students extra chances to develop their enterpreneurial skills.

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

OR&S is growing!


New people in Project Management 

Since October 2014, three new members have joined our yound and dynamic Operations Research & Scheduling group to work on a PhD on Integrated Project Management and Control. This research project is supported by the Concerted Research Action funding and aims at developing new decision support systems for project scheduling, risk analysis and project control.

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

Flashback: +10 years PM research


More than 10 years ago,

Two people with an interest in Project Management met each other on a workshop in Antwerp. 

Ever since, these two, Mario Vanhoucke and Stephan Vandevoorde, have done work in various companies and have presented their results at workshops all over the world. They work closely together on tightening the bridge between research & practice. They worked in Belgium, London, Spain and Switzerland, but also in Lisbon, Malaysia, and the US.

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

Driessnack Distinguished Service Award


Driessnack Distinguished Service Award

EVM Europe Ambassador, Mr Walt Lipke attended the EVM World Conference held in San Antonio, Texas where he was presented with the Driessnack Distinguished Service Award by the President of the College of Performance Management (CPM), Mr. Gary Troop.

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

New Master Thesis topics 2014


New master thesis topics for Business Engineering

The new topics for the students of the first master Business Engineering - Operations Management are now available online on the OR&S website. The students have to select a topic of their choice with one of the many promotors of our faculty, and they have almost two years the time to work on this thesis.

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

PMI Belgium Thesis Award 2014


PMI Belgium awards young potential

The student Annelies Martens has received the PMI Belgium Master Thesis Award for the best thesis on Project Management during the graduation ceremony for the Business Engineering students (Handelsingenieurs). The thesis was supervised by Mario Vanhoucke from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from the Ghent University.

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

Arcelor Mittal loves Project Management


Arcelor Mittal loves Project Management

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more

New publication: Blended learning for PM


Teaching Project Management

Enhancing student learning and engagement

A new article has been published in the new Journal of Modern Project Management and describes how students can learn by doing, how they can get involved in the professional community and how the teaching material is adapted to the ditigal age.

Posted By Mario Vanhoucke read more


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